Proposed future directions for research on the field of CXCR1 and 2 inhibition in the context of acute respiratory distress syndrome and unanswered questions on CXCR1/2 inhibitors

Future research focusUnanswered questions
TimingEarly versus late disease administration
Preferential focus on type of receptorCXCR1 versus CXCR2 versus CXCR1/2 inhibitors
Severity of diseaseMild/moderate versus severe disease administration
Heterogeneity of disease“Hyper” versus “hypo” inflammatory phenotype and how to define them (i.e. systemic versus alveolar inflammatory markers)
Mode of administrationSystemic versus localised to the lung versus combined administration
Duration of treatmentShort term versus prolonged treatment and preservation of balance between harmful and beneficial neutrophilic effects
Effect on other cell typesFocus on endothelial and epithelial cell specific CXCR1/2 inhibition
Treatment combinationsCombinations with other neutrophilic receptor blockers or pulmonary oedema clearing drugs