Inflammatory, epithelial dysfunction and mucociliary clearance biomarkers in bronchiectasis and clinical associations

Clinical associations
Radiological severityLung functionExacerbationsBacterial colonisationSeverity scoresAcute infectionAntibiotic responseMortalityReferences
Neutrophilic inflammation
 Neutrophil proteins
  MPO[19, 4446]
 Protease/antiprotease imbalance
  SLPI[26, 48]
 Inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules
  TNF-α[50, 51]
  IL-1β[19, 44, 52]
  IL-8[44, 50, 52]
Eosinophilic inflammation
 Blood eosinophils[53, 54]
Epithelial dysfunction and mucociliary clearance
  MMP-9[26, 5961]
  MMP-8[59, 60, 62]
 Antimicrobial peptides
  LL-37[26, 48]
  Lactoferrin[26, 48]
  Lysozyme[26, 48]
Systemic inflammatory markers
 CRP[50, 6366]
 White cell count[50, 51, 63, 67, 68]
 Neutrophil count[46, 51, 68]
 Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio[63, 69]
 Platelet count[70]
 Fibrinogen[72, 73]
 ESR[67, 68]

NE: neutrophil elastase; NETs: neutrophil extracellular traps; PR: proteinase; MPO: myeloperoxidase; PZP: pregnancy zone protein; SLPI: secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor; LTB4: leukotriene B4; TNF: tumour necrosis factor; IL: interleukin; FENO: exhaled nitric oxide fraction; MMP: matrix metalloproteinase; CRP: C-reactive protein; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Reproduced and modified from Amaro et al. [25] with permission.