Summary of pooled findings on the quality of evidence on measurement properties of included PROMs in ILD, including CTD-associated ILD

PROMInternal consistencyReliabilityMeasurement errorConstruct validityResponsivenessRecommendation
ERS-IPF-B+/high+/very lowx±/moderate?/moderateA
NSxxx−/very lowxB
UCSD-SOBQ+/high+/very low+/very low±/moderate±/moderateA
VAS-Dxxx−/very low±/moderateB

Quality of evidence was categorised as high, moderate, low or very low. Overall rating of PROM quality categorised as sufficient (+), insufficient (−), inconsistent (±) or indeterminate (?). The symbol x indicates that the measurement property was not evaluated in the study. PROM: patient-reported outcome measure; ILD: interstitial lung disease; CTD: connective tissue disease; D12: Dyspnea 12 Questionnaire; ERS-IPF-B: EXACT-Respiratory Symptoms Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension breathlessness subscale; FACIT-DS: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Dyspnea short form; KBILD-B: King's Brief Interstitial Lung Disease Health Status Questionnaire breathlessness and activities subscale; MRC: Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale; NS: New Dyspnea Scale; OCD: oxygen cost diagram; PROMIS-DS: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System-Dyspnea Severity short form; UCSD-SOBQ: University of California San Diego Shortness of Breath Questionnaire; VAS-D: visual analogue scale-dyspnoea.