Basic demographic and clinical characteristics of participants across trials of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) treatments

Randomised participants124 (45–267)
Age (years)48.7 (44.6–51.1)
Female (%)78.8 (75.1–81.4)
6MWD (m)349 (333.4–372)
NYHA/WHO functional class (%)
 I0 (0–0.4)
 II34 (9.2–50.7)
 III60.7 (51–74.1)
 IV1.2 (0–5)
PAH aetiology
 Idiopathic/heritable5400 (51)
 CTD-associated2832 (26.5)
 HIV-associated80 (1)
 Other2358 (21.5)

Data are presented as median (interquartile range), n or n (%). Full details of the included trials in the network meta-analysis are given in supplementary material S5 and S6. 6MWD: 6-min walk distance; NYHA: New York Heart Association; WHO: World Health Organization; CTD: connective tissue disease.