List of antibodies for the diagnosis of active tuberculosis (TB), latent TB infection (LTBI) and treatment monitoring

Antibodies and MTB antigenResults and relevanceReferences
Sen and SpTPP status
Antibodies for diagnosis of active TB
 IgG against 11 antigens (Rv3881, Rv0934, Rv2031c, Rv1886c, Rv1860, Rv3874, Rv2875, Rv3841, Rv1926c, MEMH37Rv and Rv1984)#Sen: for dx of smear positive PTB, 95%Moderately comparable to the target (≥98%)[18]
Sen: for dx of smear negative PTB, 88%Met the optimal value needed (≥68%)
Sp: in COPD patients 96% and healthy controls 91%Moderately comparable to the target (>98%)
 IgG against 8 antigens (Ag85B, Ag85A, Ag85C, Rv0934-P38, Rv3881, BfrB, Rv3873 and Rv2878c)#Sen: for screening active TB: 90.6%Met the minimal value for TB screening (>90%)[19]
Sp: 88.6%Met the optimal target for TB screening test (>70%)
 IgG against 6 antigens and fusion proteins from these antigens (Rv0934, Rv3874, Rv2875, Rv2031, Rv2032 and Rv0831)Sen: for dx of smear positive PTB, 93%Moderately comparable to the target (≥98%)[23]
Sp: 96%Moderately met the optimal value needed (>98%)
 IgG against 7 antigens (PstS1, Rv0831c, FbpA, EspB, bfrB, HspX and ssb)+Sen: for dx of PTB, 74–90%Slightly comparable to target (>98%)[24]
Sp: 96–100%Met the optimal value (>98%)
 IgG against Rv0220, Rv2958c, Rv2994 and Rv3347c§Sen: 80.4–91.3%Slightly comparable to the optimal value (≥98%)[25]
Sp: 91.7–98.3%Moderately comparable
 Anti-TB-LTBI IgG, anti-Tpx IgG and anti-MPT64 IgA.  TB-LTBI: (antigen cocktail composed of Tpx and L16)ƒSen: for dx of active TB, 95.2%Moderately comparable to the optimal value (≥98%)[5]
Sp: 97.6%Comparable to the target (≥98%)
 Anti-LAM IgA, anti-LAM IgG, anti-Tpx IgA, anti-HSP16.3 IgG and anti-HSP20 IgA##Sen: 81%Slightly comparable to the optimal value (≥98%)[21]
Sp: for dx of non-TB cases, 94%Moderately comparable to the target (≥98%)
 IgG against A60 (commercial test)¶¶Sen: 91.2%Moderately comparable[26]
Sp: 92%Moderately comparable
 IgG against 38-kDa, 16-kDa, and 6-kDa (commercial test)#Sen: 78.1%Slightly comparable to the optimal value (≥98%)[29]
Specificity: 100%Met the optimal value (>98%)
Antibodies for diagnosis of LTBI
 IgG against ESAT6 and MDP1IgG against ESAT6 and MDP1 were significantly higher in recent LTBI compared to remote LTBI (Sen and Sp data not available)[17]
 IgG against PPE17Sen for dx of LTBI 87%, for dx of active TB (95%) (Sp data not available)[4]
 IgG against PPDSera from LTBI has less fucose and more galactose and sialic acid compared to active TB patient[13]
Antibodies for treatment monitoring
 IgG against 14 kDaIncreased following treatment, and decreased after 3 years[33]
 IgG against 38 kDa and LAMIncreased at month 2 and month 8 following treatment[34]
 IgG against Rv2626c and ESAT6Decreased following treatment
 Anti-16 kDa IgA and IgMDecreased following treatment[5]
 IgG against LAM and TB – LTBIIncreased at month 6 of anti-TB treatment completion
 Anti-Tpx IgG and anti-ESAT-6 IgAPredicated slow responders with an accuracy of 90.5%[32]
 Anti-16 kDa IgGIncreased following TB treatment[6]
 Anti-ESAT-6 and CFP-10 IgGHigher before treatment, and increased following treatment

Recent LTBI: <2 years since infection; remote LTBI: >2 years since infection. MTB: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Sen: sensitivity; Sp: specificity; TTP: targeted product profiles; PTB: pulmonary TB; LAM: Lipoarabinomannan; dx: diagnosis. #: IgG against multiple antigens (measured individually, analysed in combination); : IgG against multiple antigens and fusion protein (measured individually, analysed in combination); +: IgG against multiple antigens and antigen cocktails (measured individually, analysed in combination); §: IgG against novel single or multiple antigens; ƒ: multiple antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA) against multiple antigens and antigen cocktail (measured individually, analysed in combination); ##: multiple antibodies against multiple antigens (measured individually, analysed in combination); ¶¶: IgG against single protein (multiantigen complex).