The protective antibodies in tuberculosis (TB) upon passive transfer of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies

AntibodyDescriptionProtective effectsReferences
Polyclonal antibodies in TB
 Human IVIgTreatment in MTB-infected miceSignificant reduction in bacterial load in spleen and lung[43]
 Human IVIgIntact versus deglycosylated IVIg in murine models of progressive TBIntact IVIg reduced bacillary load in the lung[42]
 Human IgGIntranasal inoculation 2 h before MTB infection in miceSignificant reduction in pulmonary bacterial load lasting for 2 months[41]
 Hyperimmune sera (RUTI)Protection against post-chemotherapy relapse TB infection in SCID miceSignificant reduction in bacillary load, less granuloma and less pneumonia compared to the control sera[44]
 Human seraAntibodies from LTBI and active TB in aerosol MTB challenge in miceAntibodies from LTBI showed moderate protection[40]
 Human IgG against PPDIgG from LTBI showed higher sialic acid and galactoseAnti-inflammatory activity[13]
Monoclonal antibodies in TB
 Human mAb (2E9IgA1) against AcrIntranasal inoculation in transgenic miceReduced the bacterial burden
Dependant on CD98 (FcαRI)
 mAbs IgA (TBA61) against AcrIntranasal inoculation in mice10-fold reduction in CFU[45]
 Coating of BCG mAbs against HBHAIntranasal infection in micePrevents extrapulmonary dissemination[47]
 mAbs (SMITB14) anti-LAM IgG1Intranasal administration in miceImproved survival, reduced CFU, reduced weight loss[48]

IVIg: intravenous immunoglobulin; MTB: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; SCID: severe combined immunodeficiency; LTBI: latent TB infection; mAb: monoclonal antibody; Acr: alpha crystalline; LAM: lipoarabinomannan; CFU: colony-forming unit; HBHA: heparin-binding haemagglutinin adhesin.