Category of thoracic involvement | Number of patients (group 1/group2) | Thoracic patterns | Age at diagnosis, years median±sd | Male n/N (%) | Elevated serum IgG4 level n/N (%) | Smoking history >10 pack years n/N (%) | Industrial or environmental exposure to asbestos n/N (%) |
Definite Biopsy proved thoracic involvement | 23/48 | 15 lymph node enlargement 13 peribronchovascular involvements Seven nodular Four interstitial disease Two GGO | 59±14 | 20/23 (87) | 20/23 (87) | 3/23 (13) | 0/23 (0) |
Highly probable Typical radiology with no alternative explanation and response to treatment | 9/48 | Seven peribronchovascular involvement Four lymph node enlargement Three GGO One nodular One interstitial disease | 49±17 | 8/9 (89) | 8/9 (89) | 1/9 (11) | 0/9 (0) |
Probable Typical radiology with no alternative explanation | 15/48 | Eight peribronchovascular involvements Three lymph node enlargement Three nodular | 65±16 | 10/15 (66) | 14/15 (93) | 3/15 (20) | 0/15 (0) |
Possible Radiology potentially consistent with IgG4-RD but plausible alternative cause identified | 1/48 | One interstitial disease | 76 | 1/1 (100) | 1/1 (100) | 0/1 (0) | 1/1 (100) |
GGO: ground-glass opacity; sd: standard deviation.