Results of multicentre RheOx bronchial rheoplasty study [30]

RCTSubjectsTime pointResult
Quality of life
 SGRQ total score changeNo303 months−16.9±20.0
No2912 months−15.2±20.4
 CAT total score changeNo303 months−8.8±7.6
No2912 months−7.0±8.9
Chronic bronchitis symptoms#
 CAT change in question on phlegmNo303 months−1.8±1.1
No2912 months−1.7±1.5
 CAT change in question on coughNo303 months−1.4±1.3
No2912 months−1.1±1.6
Lung functionNo29/303 and 12 monthsNo sign changes
Exercise capacityNot reported
 Goblet cell hyperplasia scoringNo54 lungs90–120 daysRelative reduction of 39%

Data are presented as n or mean±sd. Statistically significant values (p<0.05) are presented in bold. RCT: randomised controlled trial; SGRQ: St George's Respiratory Questionnaire; CAT: COPD Assessment Test. #: based on a single question; it was not clear whether these changes were statistically significant.