Reported protocol specifications during cardiopulmonary exercise testing

Protocol specificationCycle testTreadmill test
n (%)#Median (IQR)n (%)n (%)#Median (IQR)n (%)
Work rate increments487 (89.2)45 (91.8)
Rest phase264 (48.4)10 (20.4)
Rest phase duration min+229 (42.0)3 (3–3)139 (59)7 (14.3)3 (2–3)4 (57)
Unloaded phase warm-up329 (60.3)25 (51.0)
Unloaded duration min+314 (57.5)3 (2–3)182 (58)19 (38.8)3 (3–4)10 (53)
Incremental phase duration104 (19.0)19 (38.8)
Recovery71 (13.0)5 (10.2)
Recovery duration min+56 (10.3)3 (2–6)18 (32)4 (8.2)3 (2–4)1 (25)

Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range). #: studies reporting test protocol details; : studies using test duration supported by the literature review; +: percentages are calculated of studies that reported on rest, unloaded and recovery phases.