Phenotypes of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients of interest for mandibular advancement device therapy

Phenotypes that have been related to treatment successPhenotypes of interest to study
AnthropometricFemales; younger age; less overweight/obesity
PolysomnographicPositional OSAMore sophisticated ways to interpret polysomnographic sleep recordings; simpler methods to evaluate treatment effects
FunctionalDISE defining type of collapse and increase in airway size during advancement
SymptomaticSleepiness and fatigue; headaches; restless legs; nasal symptoms; insomnia; disturbed sleep; minimally symptomatic
CardiovascularSystemic hypertension; other cardiovascular diseases
Metabolic/endocrineType 2 diabetes
Other comorbiditiesMore overall knowledge on relationships between OSA and comorbidities

DISE: drug-induced sleep endoscopy.