GRADE (grading of recommendations assessment, development and evaluation) evidence profile: impact of xanthines on change from baseline in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and risk of adverse events in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients

Quality assessment: impact of xanthines in COPDQuality
Risk of biasInconsistencyIndirectnessImprecisionOther considerations
Change from baseline in FEV1
  Should doxofylline versus theophylline be used in COPD patients?Serious#Not seriousNot seriousSeriousDose response gradient⊕⊕⊕○ Moderate
  Should doxofylline versus aminophylline be used in COPD patients?Serious#Not seriousNot seriousSeriousDose response gradient⊕⊕⊕○ Moderate
  Should doxofylline versus bamiphylline be used in COPD patients?Very serious#Not seriousNot seriousNot seriousNone⊕⊕○○
  Should theophylline versus aminophylline be used in COPD patients?Very serious#Not seriousSerious+SeriousPublication bias strongly suspected§⊕○○○
Very low
  Should theophylline versus bamiphylline be used in COPD patients?Very serious#Not seriousVery seriousƒNot seriousVery strong association, publication bias strongly suspected##⊕○○○
Very low
  Should aminophylline versus bamiphylline be used in COPD patients?Very serious#Not seriousVery seriousƒNot seriousVery strong association, publication bias strongly suspected##⊕○○○
Very low
Risk of adverse events
  Should doxofylline versus theophylline be used in COPD patients?Serious#Not seriousNot seriousNot seriousStrong association, dose response gradient⊕⊕⊕⊕
  Should doxofylline versus aminophylline be used in COPD patients?Serious#Not seriousNot seriousNot seriousVery strong association, dose response gradient⊕⊕⊕⊕
  Should doxofylline versus bamiphylline be used in COPD patients?Very serious#Not seriousSerious+SeriousPublication bias strongly suspected§⊕○○○
Very low
  Should theophylline versus aminophylline be used in COPD patients?Very serious#Not seriousSerious+Serious Publication bias strongly suspected§⊕○○○
Very low
  Should theophylline versus bamiphylline be used in COPD patients?Very serious#Not seriousVery seriousƒSeriousPublication bias strongly suspected##⊕○○○
Very low
  Should aminophylline versus bamiphylline be used in COPD patients?Very serious#Not seriousVery seriousƒSeriousPublication bias strongly suspected##⊕○○○
Very Low

GRADE working group grades of evidence: high quality (we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect); moderate quality (we are moderately confident in the effect estimate; the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different); low quality (our confidence in the effect estimate is limited; the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect); very low quality (we have very little confidence in the effect estimate, the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect). #: confirmed by Jadad score values; : credible intervals cross the threshold between recommending and not recommending treatment; +: drugs tested head-to-head in a small population; §: data from direct comparison of small studies; ƒ: drugs not tested head-to-head; ##: data from indirect comparison of small studies.