Table 1. Responses to questionnaire items for all centres and after categorisation by median level of annual activity
AllHigh activityLow activity
Centres n241212
SIC used
    Systematically to confirm occupational asthma9 (38)6 (50)3 (25)
    Only if other tests are inconclusive14 (58)6 (50)8 (67)
Number of SIC annually12.2 (0.3–124)25.0 (12–124)8.0 (0.3–12.0)
Dedicated# facilities for SIC21 (88)11 (92)10 (83)
Physician oversees SIC24 (100)12 (100)12 (100)
Nurse performs SIC16 (67)8 (67)8 (67)
Hygienist, chemist or technician involved in SIC13 (54)7 (58)6 (50)
Informed consent from patient19 (79)10 (83)9 (75)
Patients routinely admitted to hospital13 (54)8 (67)5 (42)
Inhaled steroids stopped prior to SIC22 (92)11 (92)11 (92)
Control exposure used23 (96)12(100)11 (92)
Simulation of work tasks20 (83)10 (83)10 (83)
GenaSIC+ or comparable device5 (21)3 (25)2 (17)
Different doses of active agent used on same day15 (63)7 (58)8 (67)
Different active agents used on same day4 (17)4 (33)0 (0)
FEV1 as primary outcome21 (88)11 (92)10 (83)
NSBHR routinely used as an outcome parameter17 (71)9 (75)8 (67)
Sputum cytology used as an outcome parameter11 (46)8 (67)3 (25)
FeNO used as an outcome parameter16 (67)8 (67)8 (67)
SIC with low molecular weight agents in the past 3 years822 (51)693 (51)129 (50)
Percentage of SIC with excessive asthmatic response0 (0–18)2 (0–6)0 (0–18)
  • Data are presented as n (%) or median (range), unless otherwise stated. SIC: specific inhalation challenge; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; NSBHR: nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity; FeNO: exhaled nitric oxide fraction. #: enclosed and ventilated chamber reserved for SIC; : inhaled steroids were stopped prior to SIC always or when possible; +: GenaSIC (SCL Medtech, Montréal, QC, Canada) is a closed-circuit chamber that facilitates the production of aerosols at steady concentrations.