Table 2. Qualitative analyses of trials according to EGFR mutation status and laboratory methods used to confirm EGFR mutation status
Study [ref.]
NEJ002 [12, 23]WJTOG3405 [13, 25]IPASS# [8, 14]EURTAC [9]LUX-Lung 3 [15]OPTIMAL [10]LUX-Lung 6 [16]ENSURE [17]
Included patient groupEGFR mutant and absence of T790MDel19 and L8585RNonsmoker or former light smoker (no EGFR status required)Del19 or L858REGFR mutation-positiveDel19 or L858REGFR mutation-positiveDel19 or L858R
EGFR mutations that could be includedDel19 L858R Other (not described)Del19 L858RDel19 (19 different deletions) L858R T790M L861Q G719X S768I Three insertions in exon 20Del19 L858RDel19 (19 different deletions) L858R T790M L861Q G719X S768I Three insertions in exon 20Del19 L858RDel19 (19 different deletions) L858R T790M L861Q G719X S768I Three insertions in exon 20Del19 or L858R
Testing methodology usedPeptide nucleic acid-locked nucleic acid PCR clamp methodFor those tested centrally, detection by fragment analysis for Del19 and by cycleave for L858R; confirmed by direct sequencingDetection by Therascreen EGFR29 in central laboratorySanger sequencing confirmed by PNAClamp for Del19 and by TaqMan assay for L858RStandardised allele-specific quantitative real-time PCR kit (Therascreen EGFR 29) in central laboratoryPCR-based direct sequencing in central laboratoryTheraScreen EGFR RGQ PCR kit in central laboratoryNot reported
Specificity100% [28]Direct sequencing: 100% [29]100% [29]100% [28]100% [29]100% [29]100% [29]
Sensitivity89% [28]Direct sequencing: 40–89% [29]40–67% [29]89% for PNAClamp [28] 99% for TaqMan40–67% [29]40–89% [29]40–67% [29]
  • EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; WJTOG: West Japan Thoracic Oncology Group; NEJ002: North East Japan 002; IPASS: Iressa Pan-Asia Study; EURTAC: European Randomised Trial of Tarceva versus Chemotherapy #: all patients. Therascreen EGFR 29 and TheraScreen EGFR RGQ PCR kit are manufactured by Qiagen (Manchester, UK); TaqMan is manufactured by Life Technologies Europe BV (Bleiswijk, the Netherlands); PNAClamp is manufactured by Panagene Inc. (Daejeon, Korea).