Table 1 Eligibility criteria for lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) versus lung transplantation in emphysema patients
LVRSLung transplantation
Age <75 yrsAge <65 yrs
FEV1 >20% to <45% predFEV1 <25% pred
DL,CO >20% predDL,CO <20% pred
RV >200 % predPa,O2 <55 mmHg
Pa,CO2 <55 mmHgPa,CO2 >55 mmHg
Ppa <45 mmHgPulmonary hypertension/cor pulmonale
Heterogeneous emphysemaAll types emphysema including α1-ATD
Upper lobeWhole lung
Limited exercise capacityLimited exercise capacity
  • FEV1; forced expiratory volume in 1 s; % pred: % predicted; DL,CO: diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; RV: residual volume; Pa,O2: arterial partial oxygen pressure; Pa,CO2: arterial partial carbon dioxide pressure; Ppa: pulmonary artery pressure; α1-ATD: α1-antitrypsin deficiency.