Table 1. Hierarchy of control measures for airborne contaminants in the work environment in order of priority (top to bottom) and in order of preference (left to right)
Control measureAgentProcess/applianceWorking environmentWork practice
EliminationTotal substitutionDifferent processLayout changeAutomation, robotisation, remote control
ReductionPartial substitution, change of formAdjustment,
preventive maintenance, specialised appliance
Good housekeepingCorrect work procedures, training, instruction, motivation, supervision
IsolationEnclosure segregationGlove box, safety cabinet, segregation, high-exposure departmentsEnsuring enclosure
VentilationLocal exhaust ventilation, push/pull ventilationDilution ventilation, air douches, air curtainsPortable jets, low-volume, high-velocity tools
Exposure avoidanceBooths for operatorsShorter shifts, fewer people, work schedules
Personal protectionRespiratory protection, gloves, clothing