Table. 3—

Demographics and health characteristics of subjects with asthma by control status

Diagnosed asthmap-value
Not well-controlledAt least well-controlled
Subjects n18271792
Age yrs47.31±15.642.85±15.7<0.001
Age range yrs
Employment status
        On disability6.32.7
Experienced the following in past 12 months
    Sleep difficulties4235<0.001
Number of times spoken with doctor in last 12 months3.15±3.71.48±1.9<0.001
Asthma treatment
    Controller medication64.746.2<0.001
    Rescue medication55.148.4<0.001
MMAS among those treated for a symptomatic condition
    0 (highly adherent)36.435.4ns
    4 (highly nonadherent)
  • Data are presented as % or mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. MMAS: Morisky Medication Adherence Scale; ns: nonsignificant. #: body mass index ≥25 kg·m−2 and <30 kg·m−2; : body mass index ≥30 kg·m−2. Statistical comparisons were computed using the Chi-squared test for percentages and unpaired t-tests for means.