PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Verbraecken, Johan AU - Hedner, Jan AU - Penzel, Thomas TI - Pre-operative screening for obstructive sleep apnoea AID - 10.1183/16000617.0012-2016 DP - 2017 Mar 31 TA - European Respiratory Review PG - 160012 VI - 26 IP - 143 4099 - 4100 - SO - EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW2017 Mar 31; 26 AB - Sleep disordered breathing, especially obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), has a high and increasing prevalence. Depending on the apnoea and hypopnoea scoring criteria used, and depending on the sex and age of the subjects investigated, prevalence varies between 3% and 49% of the general population. These varying prevalences need to be reflected when considering screening for OSA. OSA is a cardiovascular risk factor and patients are at risk when undergoing medical interventions such as surgery. Screening for OSA before anaesthesia and surgical interventions is increasingly considered. Therefore, methods for screening and the rationale for screening for OSA are reviewed in this study.Screening of patients with simple questionnaires and sleep tests will identify OSA prior to surgery