Exon | Sequence involved | Defect | First author [ref.] |
1–13 | 195 kb deletion | Truncation without synthesis (deletion) | Stokman [15] |
1 | c.-6773_-6588del | Truncation without synthesis (deletion) | Corut [9] |
2–6 | 5.5 kb deletion | Truncation (deletion) | Ishihara [16] |
2 | insT (not specified area) | Truncation (frameshift) | Dogan [17] |
3 | c.114delA | Truncation (deletion) | Corut [9] |
3 | c.212_224del | Truncation (deletion) | Vismara [18] |
3 | c.226 C>T | Substitution | Corut [9] |
4 | c.316 G>A | Substitution (missense) | Jonsson [19] |
5 | c.IVS4+1452_IVS5+660del | Truncation (deletion) of entire exon 5 | Dandan [20] |
6 | c.560 G>A | Substitution (missense) | Jonsson [19] |
6 | c.575 C>A | Substitution | Ma [21] |
7 | c.560 G>A | Substitution (nonsense) | Jonsson [19] |
7 | insdel857-871 | Insertion/deletion with truncation | Huqun [8] |
8 | IVS8+1 G>A | Truncation by splicing failure | Huqun [8] |
8 | c.906 G>A | Substitution (nonsense) | Jonsson [19] |
8 | c.910 A>T | Truncation | Zhong [22] |
10 | c.1136 G>A | Substitution (missense) | Jonsson [19] |
11 | c.1238 G>A | Substitution (nonsense) | Jonsson [19] |
11 | c.1327delC | Truncation (deletion) | Jonsson [19] |
11 | c.1328delT | Truncation (deletion) | Corut [9] |
12 | c.1333+1 G>A | Substitution (nonsense, frameshift splicing) | Jonsson [19] |
12 | c.1342delG | Truncation (deletion) | Corut [9] |
12 | c.1363 T>C | Substitution | Wang [23] |
12 | c.1390 G>C | Unclear result | Izumi [24] |
12 | c.1393-1404delACC | Truncation, threonine deletion | Jonsson [25] |
12 | c.1402-1404delACC | Truncation, threonine deletion | Jonsson [25] |
12 | c.1456 C>T | Truncation | Proesmans [26] |