Risk of bias summary: author's judgement for each risk of bias domain and included study

First author [ref.]Sequence generationAllocation concealmentBlinding of participants and personnelBlinding of outcome assessmentIncomplete outcome dataSelective reportingOther bias
Abidi [11]+?+++
Castro [33]+?+?+++
Emelyanov [12]+?+?+++
Fogarty [24]+?+?+++
Govindan [13]???++
Gvozdjakova [14]????+
Hasselmark [15]+?+?++
Hill [25]+?+?++
Honma [16]??+?++
Kaslow [17]??+?+++
Kelly-Pieper [29]??+?
Khayyal [18]????+++
Martineau [31]+?+?+++
Moreira [27]+++?++
Nadi [26]??+??++
Nanzer [32]+++++++
Okamoto [28]?????+
Pearson [19]+?+++++
Thomas [20]??+?++
Thoren [21]??+?+++
Urata [22]??+?++
Wen [30]??+?++
Zhang [23]+???++
  • +: low risk; ?: unclear risk; −: high risk.