Table 1. Respiratory Intensive Care Assembly survey
Survey itemsResponse %
Age years
Professional role
    Medical doctors91.8
    University/teaching hospital67.1
    District hospital15.8
    Respiratory unit without RICU47.3
    Respiratory unit with RICU41.1
Number of beds in the department
Type of bed in the department
    Ordinary ward74.7
    Sleep laboratory11.0
Number of medical doctors in the department able to perform NIV for ARF
Number of nurses in the department able to perform NIV for ARF
Number of physiotherapists in the department able to perform NIV for ARF
Number of patients receiving NIV in the department in 1 year preceding the survey for ARF, acute-on-chronic failure and CRF
Number of patients receiving NIV in the department in 1 year preceding the survey for CRF#
Management of CRF with NIV in the department in 1 year preceding the survey
    By yourself36.0
    With supervision of an expert64.0
Management of ARF with NIV in the department in 1 year preceding the survey
    By yourself30.0
    With supervision of an expert70.0
  • RICU: respiratory intensive care unit; ICU: intensive care unit; NIV: noninvasive ventilation; ARF: acute respiratory failure; CRF: chronic respiratory failure. #: both newly initiated and monitored on long-term NIV.