Table 1. Review of systems and compensation for occupational asthma (OA) and work-aggravated asthma in various countries
CountryAdministrationResponsible institutionIs OA compensated?Is work-aggravated asthma compensated?Examination of casesTotal workforce million#List of agents for OAOpen system for OA causing agents?Is a positive SIC a pre-condition?Is specific IgE or positive SPT a pre-condition?Is NSBHR a pre-condition?OA cases per year nDegree of disability to be compensatedWorker’s possibility to avoid further exposurePermanent disability allocated?
BelgiumNational agencyPublic insurance agency with equal number of representatives from trade unions and employers
Insurance premium paid by employers
YesNoBoard of specialists4.87YesYesNoNo
(if positive SIC)
(if positive SIC)
Mean of 77 claims accepted annually by the Workers’ Compensation Board between 1992 and 2002Yes (based on airway obstruction, NSBHR and medications) plus additional award based on reduced chances on the job marketYesYes
 QuebecAgencyEmployers public insurance
Administrative board with equal number of representatives from trade unions and employers
Insurance premium paid by employers
YesVariableSpecialists4.29§NoYesYes, if feasibleNoNo40–700–100%YesYes
 OntarioAgency: Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance BoardEmployersYesYesMedical information from physicians that may include specialists
Claim decision reached by a claims adjudicator with additional physician input if considered needed
7.32§NoYesNoNoNot an absolute pre-condition but helpful∼20 per year by 2002YesYes
FinlandNational agencyEmployers/insurersYesSpecialists2.64304 (in 2002)Yes
FranceRegional agenciesEmployersYesVariableSocial security practitioners28.35YesYesNoNoNo (but pulmonary function tests compulsory)222 (in 2009)0–100%YesYes
GermanyBranch-oriented statutory accident insurance institutionsEmployers/insurersYesYesSpecialists41.01NoYesNoNoNo700ƒ (in 2009)0–100% (depending on the degree of reduced chances on the job market; 2–3 yrs)YesYes
ItalyNationalEmployersYesNoBoard of specialists24.29YesYesNoNoNo167 (in 2003)0–100%YesYes
NorwayNational agency and private insurance (compulsory)Government employers and private insurersYesSpecialist2.52NoYesNoNoNo174 (in 2000)15–100%YesYes
DenmarkNational agencyEmployers and governmentYesNoSpecialists2.88Multiple meansYesNoNoNo50–70Depending on the degree of reduced chances on the job marketYesYes
SpainGovernment agencyEmployers and government agencyYesNoBoard of specialists22.96YesNoNoNoNot an absolute
258–294 (in 2000–2003)NoYesYes
The NetherlandsNo specific systemEmployers and employeesNo official acceptanceNo official acceptanceInsurance physicians and, in civil cases, chest and occupational physicians8.62None?No
UKGovernment agencyGeneral taxationYesNoCareer specialists for assessing occupational diseases30.79MultipleWith individual proof and due to sensitisationNoNoNo170 in 2009At least 14% requiredNo
USAVaries by stateVaries by stateVaries by stateVaries by stateVaries by state153NoYesNoNoVaries by stateNo national dataVaries by stateVaries by stateVaries by state
  • SIC: specific inhalation challenge testing; Ig: immunoglobulin; SPT: skin-prick test; NSBHR: nonspecific bronchial responsiveness. #: data from [118]; : data from the Fonds des Maladies Professionnelles–Fonds voor de Beroepsziekten; +: data from [119]; §: data from [120]; ƒ: also includes objective cases with work-aggravated asthma or occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Modified and extended with data from [121].