Table 1—

Baseline data of the continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) arm of the randomised clinical trials studying the impact of CPAP on hypertension (HT)

First author [ref.]Patients nStudy designPlacebo usedFemales %BP %AHT use %Mean BP mmHgESSAHI events·h−1CPAP use weeksAHI on CPAPCPAP-compliance h·night−1Significant impact on BP mmHg
Engleman [8]13CTablets153831NA103NA49>3NA4.3None
Dimsdale [9]39PSham29290NA99NA5413>5None
Barbé [10]#54PSham10NA3194.7987546NA5None
Monasterio [11]+125PConservative treatment19NANANA96¶§12.1202664.8None
Faccenda [12]68CTablets19NA094.4NA15354NA3.3(-1.5 on 24-h diastolic BP)
Barnes [13]28CTablets1725NA97.810011.213843.5None
Pepperell [14]118PSham0NANA101104.316.338ƒ4NA4.9- 3 on 24-h/-3 on daytime mean BP
Becker [15]32P3–4 cmH2O65047100.4103.614.463935.5- 10 on 24-h/-10 on daytime mean BP
Mills [16]50PSham1252Tapered off107.9¶§NANA65236.8- 7 on 24-h mean BP
Norman [17]46PSham17NATapered off98.1NA12.0662NA6.7- 6 on 24-h mean BP
Campos-Rodriguez [18]68PSham35NA10097.7100.815.0584NA5.0None
Robinson [19]#32CSham11NA77103.4106.15.328ƒ465.2None
  • BP: blood pressure; AHT: antihypertensive drugs; ESS: Epworth sleepiness scale; AHI: apnoea/hypopnoea index; C: crossover; P: parallel; sham: sham CPAP delivering a pressure <2 cmH2O; NA: not available. #: studies focusing especially on patients without sleepiness; +: studies focusing especially on patients with mild increase in AHI; : calculated value  =  (systolic value + 2×diastolic value)/3; §: not a 24-h ambulatory value but an office-measured value; 3–4 cmH2O; ƒ: the authors used the oxygen desaturation index ≤4% instead of the AHI. 1 cmH2O = 0.1 kPa.