Table 2—

Components of asthma control among diagnosed asthma sufferers across all countries

TotalNot well-controlled
In the past 4 weeks, how much of the time did your asthma keep you from getting as much done at work, school or at home?
    All of the time0.14 (1.0)2.0
    Most of the time0.57 (4.1)8.1
    Some of the time1.86 (13.2)24.7
    A little of the time3.49 (24.8)35.0
    None of the time8.01 (56.9)30.2
During the past 4 weeks, how often have you had shortness of breath?
    More than once a day2.28 (16.2)31.6
    Once a day1.38 (9.8)18.1
    3–6 times a week1.70 (12.0)19.5
    Once or twice a week5.11 (36.3)28.3
    Not at all3.61 (25.6)2.4
During the past 4 weeks, how often did your asthma symptoms (wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain) wake you up at night, or earlier than usual in the morning?
    ≥4 nights a week1.25 (8.9)17.5
    2–3 nights a week1.98 (14.1)27.2
    Once a week1.12 (8.0)12.8
    Once or twice3.64 (25.8)24.9
    Not at all6.09 (43.3)17.5
During the past 4 weeks how often have you used your rescue inhaler or nebuliser medication, such as albuterol?
    ≥3 times per day1.11 (7.9)15.4
    1–2 times per day3.31 (23.6)39.5
    2–3 times per week1.95 (13.9)20.5
    Once a week or less3.08 (21.9)13.5
    Not at all4.61 (32.7)11.1
How would you rate your asthma control during the past 4 weeks?
    Not at all controlled1.10 (7.8)11.1
    Poorly controlled0.94 (6.7)11.2
    Somewhat controlled2.93 (20.8)36.8
    Well controlled5.10 (36.2)34.4
    Completely controlled4.00 (28.4)6.4
  • Data are presented as millions (%) or %. Data are extrapolated for the European Union population from the present study. Frequency weights are applied to the data above.