Table. 1—

Previous reports of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation(NPPV) in asthmatic patients

First author [Ref.]Type of studyPatients nStudy designMode of ventilatory support/duration of applicationOutcome
Meduri [44]Prospective observational17A report of 17 episodes of status asthmaticus treated with NPPV over 3 yrsCPAP mask with pressure support using commercial ventilator for 16 hNPPV improved gas exchange in status asthmaticus
Fernandez [45]Retrospective observational33Retrospecrive comparison of 22 patients treated with NPPV versus 11 patients treated with invasive mechanical ventilationCPAP with or without pressure support, using commercial ventilators for 12 hImproved gas exchange in both groups, with the possibility of prevented endotracheal intubation in NPPV group
Soroksky [46]Prospective, randomised, sham controlled3015 patients on BiPAP compared with sham BiPAP with standard treatmentBiPAP circuit for 3 hImproved FEV1 and decreased hospitalisation rate in NPPV group
Soma [47]Prospective randomised44Prospective comparison of low- and high-pressure groups to standard medical groupBiPAP circuit for 1 hImproved FEV1 with increasing pressure support
  • BiPAP: bilevel positive airway pressure; CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s.